Understanding the Difference Between There, Their and They’re

there their they're


English learners often struggle with there, their and they’re because these words sound identical but have different meanings and uses. These are called homophones, which means they are pronounced the same but spelled differently. Please note that they all begin with the letters ‘the’ – this will make sure that you don’t misspell ‘their’ as ‘thier’.

Mixing them up can lead to confusion, especially in writing. However, once you understand their meanings and how to use them correctly, you’ll avoid common mistakes.

In this article, I’ll break down each word, provide examples and give you exercises to test your understanding. By the end, you’ll have a clear grasp of when to use there, their and they’re correctly.

If you prefer to watch a video, please check out this one on YouTube.

Explanation of Each Word

A. “There” – A Place or a Pronoun

The word “there” is most commonly used to indicate a place, similar to the word “here”. It can also be used as a pronoun to introduce a sentence.

Examples of “There” (Indicating a place)

  • The keys are over there on the table.
  • Let’s go there for dinner.
  • She moved there last year.

Examples of “There” (Used as a pronoun)

  • There is a new restaurant in town.
  • There are many ways to solve this problem.
  • Is there a reason for the delay?

💡 Tip: If you can replace “there” with “here” and the sentence still makes sense, it’s correct.

  • The book is over here. → Correct
  • He moved here last year. → Correct

B. “Their” – Showing Possession

The word “their” is a possessive adjective. It means something belongs to them (a group of people).

Examples of “Their”

  • Their house is very big. (The big house belongs to them.)
  • I love their new car. (The car belongs to them.)
  • The students forgot their homework. (The homework belongs to the students.)

💡 Tip: If you can replace “their” with “my” or “his/her” and the sentence still makes sense, it’s correct.

  • This is my house. → Correct
  • I love her new car. → Correct

C. “They’re” – Short for “They are”

The word “they’re” is a contraction of “they are”. If you can replace “they’re” with “they are” and the sentence still makes sense, you’ve used it correctly.

Examples of “They’re”

  • They’re going to the party tonight. → (They are going to the party tonight.)
  • I think they’re very happy. → (I think they are very happy.)
  • They’re studying for their exam. → (They are studying for their exam.)

💡 Tip: If you’re unsure, try replacing “they’re” with “they are.” If it still makes sense, it’s correct.

  • They are going to the store later. → Correct
  • I love they are new car. → Incorrect (should be “their”)

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Many English learners make mistakes with these words because they sound the same. Here are a few common errors and how to fix them:


  • Their going to the beach today. (Wrong spelling; should be “They’re”)
  • I left my book over their. (Wrong spelling; should be “there”)
  • There dog is very cute. (Wrong spelling; should be “Their”)


  • They’re going to the beach today.
  • I left my book over there.
  • Their dog is very cute.

Quick Test: Which One is Correct?

  1. I think ___ going to be late. (There / Their / They’re)
  2. Can you put the bag over ___? (There / Their / They’re)
  3. This is ___ new apartment. (There / Their / They’re)

(Answers: 1. They’re, 2. There, 3. Their)

Practice Sentences (Fill in the Blank)

Now it’s your turn! Fill in the blanks with there, their, or they’re in the following sentences.

  1. I saw them standing over ______.
  2. ______ excited about their new job.
  3. ______ house is very close to the park.
  4. ______ are five people waiting outside.
  5. We should go ______ after school.
  6. I don’t think ______ coming to the party.
  7. They forgot to bring ______ tickets to the concert.
  8. Do you know if ______ any good restaurants nearby?

(Answers at the bottom of the article)

Dictation Exercises

Listen carefully and write down the sentences you hear. Afterward, check your spelling and see if you used there, their or they’re correctly.

🎤 Dictation Single Sentences:

(Answers at the end of this article)

🎤 Longer Dictations:

I will read these a total of three times: once through to hear what the text is about, once slowly to write things down and once final time to check your choices.

Dictation Script 1: The Park

Dictation Script 2: The Grocery Store

Dictation Script 3: The Garden

Dictation Script 4: The Beach

The full scripts can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of this article.


By now, you should have a clear understanding of the differences between there, their and they’re.

🔹 Key Takeaways:

“There” = A place or a pronoun (The book is over there. / There is a problem.)
“Their” = Shows possession (Their dog is friendly.)
“They’re” = Short for “they are” (They’re my best friends.)

To avoid mistakes, always double-check:

  • Can “there” be replaced with “here”?
  • Can “their” be replaced with “my” or “his/her”?
  • Can “they’re” be replaced with “they are”?

Practice these words regularly, and soon you’ll use them naturally without even thinking about it!

Did you like this format? Do you want more dictation exercises? Let me know!


Here are the answers to the various questions that were asked in the article, as well as the complete dictation scripts.

Practice Sentences (Fill in the Blank)

  1. I saw them standing over there.
  2. They’re excited about their new job.
  3. Their house is very close to the park.
  4. There are five people waiting outside.
  5. We should go there after school.
  6. I don’t think they’re coming to the party.
  7. They forgot to bring their tickets to the concert.
  8. Do you know if there any good restaurants nearby?

Dictation Single Sentences:

  1. I left my phone over there on the table.
  2. Their parents are coming to visit next weekend.
  3. There is a new coffee shop in town.
  4. They’re going to meet us at the airport.
  5. Is there any food left in the fridge?
  6. They’re planning a big surprise for their friend.

Dictation Script 1: The Park

There are many people at the park today. Some people are walking their dogs, while others are sitting on benches. They’re all enjoying the sunny weather. Over by the swings, children are playing, and there is a line for the slide. The trees are full of leaves, and their colours are changing as autumn begins. Near the fountain, some people are having a picnic, and they’re laughing together. It’s a peaceful afternoon, and everyone seems to be enjoying their time outdoors.

Dictation Script 2: The Grocery Store

At the grocery store, there is a long line at the checkout. Most shoppers have filled their carts with fruits, vegetables and snacks. Their carts are packed with different items, and they’re all ready to go home. In one aisle, there are people choosing between different brands of cereal. Some shoppers are looking for the best deals, and their choices vary depending on what’s on sale. As people wait in line, they’re all checking their phones or looking at the magazine racks.

Dictation Script 3: The Garden

The garden looks beautiful in the morning light. There are flowers blooming everywhere and the air smells fresh. Some of the flowers are bright yellow, while others are shades of purple and red. Their petals are soft, and they’re swaying gently in the breeze. The garden has a small pond, and there are fish swimming there. Around the pond, some people are taking photos of the flowers. Their cameras click as they try to capture the perfect shot. The day is peaceful, and everyone enjoys the beauty of nature.

Dictation Script 4: The Beach

At the beach, there are many people enjoying the warm weather. Some are swimming in the ocean, while others are sunbathing on the sand. Their towels are spread out in rows along the shore. They’re all wearing sunglasses and hats to protect themselves from the sun. The waves crash gently against the shore and there are children building sandcastles near the water. As the day goes on, more people arrive, and their footprints can be seen in the wet sand. The beach is lively, and everyone is enjoying their time by the sea.

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