Online Learning Resources and Much More

business english success e-learning


I’ve created a new community for English language learnersdetails here. It’s aimed at professionals who need English for work. Plenty of business-related English material, forums with fellow learners and live sessions.

Business English isn’t a new language – the same rules of grammar, spelling etc. apply, but in a business context. This is why there are also general English resources to be found here.

The website is organised onto resources and courses, with those further sub-divided by level. The level is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. I would suggest you take a look at this if it’s unfamiliar.

Furthermore, the language used to write about the resources and courses will reflect the language difficulty. By this, I mean that in the beginner areas, the language will be quite simple, scaling to the advanced sections, where the language used will be more complex.

Although this is a serious website, it doesn’t have to be dry and boring – it should also be entertaining. This is where the last section, fun stuff, comes in. This is a collection of language-related items that are intended to make you think and/or smile.

I hope you enjoy your time here and please do comment on what you see. If there’s anything in particular that you want to learn or see here, please let me know.

28 thoughts on “”

  1. Hello Derek,
    Hope you are doing well. My mother had enrolled into a course you enlisted on Udemy and thoroughly enjoyed your style of teaching.

    I was wondering if you provide private tutor sessions online? If it is a viable option I am highly interested!

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  2. Derek Sir, this looks like a really helpful website with lots to learn. I was terrible in school and struggle some because of it father buy your course with Udemy and when I started the course i love it very much
    Thank you
    Your student – Mohit

  3. My uncle is French and wants to work for a company but he can’t English well. It was mentioned here that business English isn’t complex. Furthermore, he can study business English and hire a professional to teach him.

    1. Hi Kayla,
      Thanks for your comments. My experience of Inlingua has been mixed. In my opinion, they charge companies a lot of money and pay the teachers very little.
      This explains why they have such a large marketing budget …

  4. Derek, this looks like a really helpful website with lots to learn. I was terrible in school and struggle some because of it today so I am all in for learning no matter what one’s age. My attempts at writing can use all the help I can get. I’ve bookmarked your website so I can come back and read in more detail. I also subscribed to be notified of future postings. Thanks,

  5. Thank you for this! I am glad that I was able to find your website; being somewhat geeky about language, I love to visit website where I can learn new things about language, and especially business language!
    I am quite certain that I break most of your 40 grammar rules, because I was busy looking out of a window during school, but I am glad that you are giving me the opportunity to repeat the lessons at my leisure!

  6. Hi Derek! This is a unique and interesting website, I like it! It’s very cool how one can learn and have some fun at the same time. You are doing an amazing job Derek. Thanks for this cool website! I will be back.

  7. Very interesting read! I enjoyed the article about the intonations. This was very this was a very educational experience for me! Thank you very much! Will there be a part 2 to this article?

  8. Ronnie Jordan

    This just proves that in the world of Niche marketing there is nothing that can’t be written about. I found this a great way to offer a profession to someone. Not only that it can be used to further your knowledge. Good thinking.

  9. Derek, that’s a very interesting niche you have discovered for yourself!

    At first I thought it’s a typo but then I read further and thought to myself, that’s clever…

    I considered becoming an English teacher a few years ago when I was travelling in Asia and it’s still something I’d like to do.

    But now I’m thinking it would be great to teach people how to learn effective business communication in English (what you are doing) because that would be more specific and perhaps even motivating to the students.

    I also want to learn other languages because it would be great to communicate in business with others who don’t speak English.

    So great idea, thanks a lot for broadening my mind 🙂

    1. Hi Markus – thanks for your comments and kind words.
      I know a lot of people who combine teaching English with their love of travelling, so go for it. This also provides excellent opportunities for learning other languages.

  10. Derek, I really enjoyed your site and its content. I do a lot of business writing in my day job, and see a lot of folks could really benefit from your site.

    Nice job.


  11. Hi Derek. I think it is great that you created a website of this sort. It provides a platform for resource that could be used by people like me, with a first language other than English.

  12. I am a TEFL teacher and found this site so useful! Thank you so much. It’s so important to have excellent teaching resources for English. I’ll be back for more!

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