Summer Sayings and Idioms


The weather is getting hot now I thought this would be a good time to talk about some suitable summer sayings and idioms. Strangely enough, although they involve summery terms, they don’t have very much to do with the weather.

Don’t think that all summer sayings and idioms are all sunshine and positivity. Scroll down to see some darker expressions.

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To be happy or pleasant. For example, “The new receptionist has a very sunny personality”.

Sunny side

The happy or pleasant aspect of something. For example, “She always sees the sunny side of boring events”.

Sunny side up

A way to fry eggs, with yolks facing up and still runny. Not turned over during the frying.

Look on the sunny side (of life/things)

A way of viewing things with a generally optimistic and cheerful manner. The end song in “Life of Brian” (“Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”) is a variation of this expression.

Dry Spell

A period in which someone is having less success than usual. Anything from business sales to luck with the ladies.

Come rain or shine

Always, without fail. For example, “Jim goes to the gym every day, come rain or shine”.

Fair-weather friend

A person who is only a friend when things are going well but disappears as soon as you have problems.

A place in the sun

A position of advantage, being in a lucky position. For example, “When Fred joined that new company, he really found his place in the sun”.

Make hay when/while the sun shines

Make the most of your opportunities or take advantage of a favourable situation. This is a very old idiom, dating back to medieval times, when rain would spoil hay. The farmers literally had to make hay when the sun shone.

Brighten up the day

Something happens that makes you feel happy for the rest of the day. For example, “I got an unexpected pay rise – it really brightened up my day”.

Ray of sunshine

Someone who brings joy and happiness into the lives of others. This can also be used sarcastically to describe a miserable and gloomy person.

Take a shine to

To develop a liking for. This can be a person or a thing.

Indian summer

An Indian summer is used to describe a warm dry spell when the summer is normally over – usually in the autumn months.

Negative summer sayings

This little collection of summer sayings and idioms are negative expressions, as opposed to the generally positive ones we have seen so far.

In broad daylight

During the day, with many witnesses. For example, “Those thieves were cheeky – they robbed the bank in broad daylight”.

Beat the living daylights out of somebody

This is when someone is given a severe beating – expect to see the inside of a hospital.

Where the sun don’t shine

A place where the sun doesn’t shine will be dark, but this almost always refers to the arse. For example, “If you point that stick at me again, I’ll shove it where the sun don’t shine”.

To think the sun shines out (of) somebody’s arse

To admire and/or respect someone so much that you completely ignore their faults. For example, “You got another bonus?!? Your boss must think the sun shines out of your arse”.


If you liked this list of summer sayings, you will probably also like the post with winter expressions.

Did I miss any of your favourite summer sayings? Please use the comments to tell me.

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