Skillshare English Courses

Skillshare English Courses – Introduction

Over the past few months, I’ve been adding Skillshare English courses for language learners on that platform.

If you prefer to watch a video, please check out this video of mine on Skillshare English courses:

skillshare english coursesWhat is Skillshare?

Skillshare is a subscription-based online learning platform that has been around since 2011.

The concept is to provide online courses that can be accessed by learners anywhere in the world, at their own pace. As such, it has proven to be very successful.

As of March 2019, there are around 27,000 premium courses and over 2,000 free courses.

One of their main competitors is, of course, Udemy. However, they have very different business models and can co-exist peacefully.

Udemy doesn’t have a subscription model for individuals (but does have one for corporate clients) and each course has to be bought separately.

It is up to each individual to decide which is best for them and there is no right or wrong answer.

The courses offered on Skillshare are not restricted to English language courses either – there are courses on a wide variety of topics.

For more information about Skillshare, its founding and courses topics, please check out their Wikipedia page.

How Do Skillshare Courses Work?

Learners with an active Skillshare subscription can access any and all courses, whenever they like. There are no restrictions at all.

The learners watch the videos (more than once, if required) and have the opportunity to contact the trainer/teacher via a discussion area. Learners can also leave valuable feedback for the course.

As you would expect on any modern platform, the videos are streamed in high-quality video, with playback controls such as speed, position and volume.

One important feature that is fairly unique to Skillshare is the course project.

Rather than passively consuming content, learners are encouraged to actively use what they have just learned. The trainer creates a course project that can be used by the learner that will test his or her newly-found knowledge. Learners can submit their project answers and the trainer can give feedback and/or corrections.

This is not an optional feature – all courses must have a course project. No exceptions!

Skillshare English Courses – My Humble Offerings

As mentioned at the start, I have been adding Skillshare English courses for a few months now.

Just in case you didn’t already know, I’m a native Brit and a qualified and experienced TESOL/TEFL trainer who actually teaches English for a living.

At the time of writing, there are courses on:

The individual links will take you directly to the information page for that particular class. Each link also gives you an option to try the platform for free for two whole months!

Each of my Skillshare English courses are between 30 minutes and two and a half hours in length. They are as long as necessary and as short as possible. I respect your time.

Each lesson has a downloadable PDF file that you can use to build an offline library of resources. I have made a special effort to make sure that the examples used in the courses (and there are LOTS of examples in each course) are modern and reflect current English language usage. There is no danger of being laughed at because you were the first person in over 100 years to use a particular expression!

Another added bonus is that important differences between UK and US English are highlighted, where appropriate.

More are planned in the future. If you let me know the English topics you would like to learn, I will make those a priority.

Skillshare English Courses – Summary

Do you already use Skillshare? If so, how do you like it? Please tell us all about it (the good and the bad) in the comments below.

If you don’t use Skillshare yet, are you interested to see what it’s all about? You can use this link to get a free 2-month trial and see for yourself.

Alternatively, you can click the image below and start learning today.

how good is udemy - start learning now

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