Intermediate Business English Course – the World of Work

Introduction to Business English: The World of Work

In this post I will look at “The World of Work”, a great course for intermediate learners who wish to improve their Business English vocabulary and skills.

What is Business English: The World of Work?

fiona sloane business english the world of workThis is a Udemy course, taught by a fellow native Brit by the name of Fiona Sloane.

This post has more information about Udemy, for those who are unfamiliar with this site.

Fiona is a qualified and experienced EFL teacher / trainer and presents a really good foundation course for intermediate learners.

Her diction is very clear and the pace is measured and constant throughout. It is perfect for the B1 level.

What does Business English: The World of Work cover?

This 1-hour course comprises 12 videos, each one tackling a particular area of Business English.

The format is the same for each one, namely:

  • lecture presentation with examples
  • ideas and questions for using the new material
  • a quiz to confirm what has been learned

Some of the lectures also have useful downloadable material.

The quizzes at the end of each lecture are well thought out and serve to reinforce the lecture material.

Among the topics covered are types and ways of working, experience and qualifications, CVs and covering letters and a variety of ways in which to talk about business related topics.

The format and content of CVs usually depends a lot on your specific industry. The advice given in the course is good for general purposes, but your own requirements might not fit into the guidelines given. This isn’t a bad thing, just something to be aware of.

Who benefits from Business English: The World of Work?

This is a course that will benefit intermediate learners at the B1 level. B2 learners could also benefit, but might find the speed a bit slow. Thankfully, there is the option to speed up the playback.

At the time of writing, this course has an average rating of 4.8 out of 5. People really like it.

What does Business English: The World of Work cost?

The standard price for this course is €19.99, but due to Udemy’s pricing policy, it is likely that you will be able to get it for a reduced price.


There are many Business English courses around, but this one covers all the bases and stays true to the learner level.

Fiona has put together a great course and presented it well.

Business English course - the world of work

This isn’t the only course she offers, so feel free to check out her other courses.

Please click the course image (or this link) to learn all about the world of work.

Business English course - the world of work

What are your thoughts on these type of courses? Have you already done a similar course, or maybe even this exact one?

Please use the comments section below to tell us about it.

4 thoughts on “Intermediate Business English Course – the World of Work”

  1. Hello Admin,
    It is very nice that your blog is providing information regarding the program. I want to aware you towards the free Online Course on CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals.
    This course is Self-Paced.
    This is CS50’s introduction to computer science for business professionals, designed for managers, product managers, founders, and decision-makers more generally.
    You can check the given link:

    1. Hi Faz,
      Thanks for the heads up – this looks very interesting.
      As this is more to do with English, people might also like to check out the English tab on the left for some really interesting (and free!) courses.
      I will probably do an extra post about this in the future.
      Thanks again.

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