English Learner Community

This is a quick information post about a new English learner community that will be starting soon.

There is a website with more detailed information. You can access it here. There are also short videos there for you to watch.

Details will be updated regularly but here’s what I can tell you now.

This will be a community for English language learners who need English for advancement at work.

We will cover topics that are useful for the workplace, including emails and letters, meetings and conversations.

Community members will always be able to decide what content gets added, depending on their requirements.

english learner community

The More the Merrier

There’s an interesting comparison between this concept and a restaurant.

If a restaurant is successful, it can make the experience worse for everyone. Longer wait times to book a table (weeks, or even months, instead of later that week), slower service because the restaurant is full – that sort of thing.

With this community, more people make it better for everyone. You can jump in and ask if anyone has time for some speaking practice and the chances go up with each new member.

You want feedback on something and you get a lot more engagement and interaction.


I want to keep this very affordable and I also want to get the ball rolling quickly.

Therefore, the first 10 people to register will get a rock-bottom symbolic price of 5 GBP per month (50 annually).

The next 40 will get it at 10 GBP per month (100 annually).

After that, it will be 20 GBP per month (200 annually).

The reasons for this are simple: the early adopters are being rewarded for their faith in me and the new community.

Later on, there will be more fellow learners around – which will make the community more valuable.

YouTube Video

If you prefer to watch a video, please check out this video with the current information. There is also a screencast with the current community content.

Are You Interested?

If you want to reserve an early place here, please show your interest by entering your name and email address here.

You will be kept up-to-date about news and developments.

If you have any questions, please use the comments – you will get an answer.


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