Arbington English Courses

Arbington English Courses – introduction

arbington english coursesArbington is a new online learning platform, with a similar model to Udemy.

Learners can buy single courses for lifetime access or pay a monthly amount to gain access to all available courses.

There is a wide range of courses, not just English language courses.

If you want to see all that they have to offer, please click this link. There is also a 14-day free trial.

Free Trial – how to get it

The good news is that a chance to have a good look at the service before deciding to buy.

The invitation link (this one), will take you directly to the page with the free trial details. From there, you’re just one click away from the signup page. It’s all very simple.

Arbington offers a 14-day trial period, during which you can test out all aspects of their service and, if you decide that it’s not for you, cancel at any time.

I think that this is a fair deal. 14 days is plenty of time to make an informed decision.

Arbington English Courses – how to find them

If you’re on this site, I assume (always dangerous, I know…) that you’re primarily interested in the English language courses.

There are two ways to find them.

The first option is to use the search feature, located at the top right of the screen.

As a suggestion, you could type in ‘english’ and check out the results. If you want to narrow it down further, you could select only those in the category ‘lifestyle’. This is located on the left of the screen.

The second option is to browse the languages section. This is a section within the ‘lifestyle’ category. Simply move the mouse over the ‘browse courses’ at the top right and select ‘languages’, which you will see under the ‘lifestyle’ heading.

If you select this way, you will have more options to narrow down courses according to level and ratings but it will also include other languages – not just English.

Whichever you choose, you will get an idea of the available courses for you.

Arbington English Courses – yes, some are mine

As you browse through the courses on offer, you might see a familiar face. Yes, I also have courses available on this platform.

I would be delighted and honoured if you decided to have a look at the courses that I have there but please also check out the other English language courses on offer. There are plenty of great courses from other trainers, all of which can be recommended without hesitation.

It really doesn’t matter which course(s) you take. The important thing is that you find something that helps you with your language learning.

Arbington English Courses – summary

This looks like an interesting online learning platform.

If you’re interested in checking out the courses on offer, please click here, or on the image below.

Arbington English Courses

Have you already tried out any courses on the Arbington site? If so, please use the comments section to tell us about your experiences.

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