Print on Demand for English Learners with RedBubble

Print on Demand – Introduction

print on demand for english language learners

If you know already what print on demand is, then feel free to jump over the following explanation and check out the items that are funny and/or interesting to English language learners and teachers.

In the so-called ‘good old days’, if a designer wanted to sell cool and/or funny designs, they would have to find a manufacturer, make a bunch of, say, t-shirts in various colours and sizes, find a sales outlet and hope that they would sell.

These days, there’s a new way of doing things. It’s called ‘Print on Demand’.

What is Print on Demand?

Essentially, print on demand allows a manufacturer to keep a design as a digital file and, when a customer creates an order, to make exactly what the customer wants. The item, size, colour and design are made to match the order and this is then shipped directly to the customer.

No middle men, no retail outlet, no stock management – it’s a new world!

There are many companies offering print on demand services, with new ones seeming to appears every day. However, one that has stood the test of time is RedBubble.

By the way, I must make this FTC disclaimer: I was compensated for this post. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Of course, there are no extra costs for you.

Why RedBubble?

There are many reasons for recommending this platform.

RedBubble has been around a long time – it was formed in 2006. In internet terms, that’s very old!

The other reason is that they offer the designs on a vast array of items. Many print on demand companies offer t-shirts and maybe mugs.

RedBubble currently offers over a dozen different t-shirt styles. But it’s not limited to just t-shirts; there are dresses, hoodies, leggings, scarves, etc.

In addition to clothing, you can get your favourite design on stickers, phone cases, stationery, clocks, coasters, bedding, bags, bottles, socks … and they are adding new products all the time.

RedBubble also have manufacturers located around the globe, so you get your items quickly, without incurring excessive additional postage costs.

For more information about the company, please check out their Wikipedia page.

Why am I telling you this?

Some creative and fun artists have created designs that should appeal to the English language learner, as well as language nerds and language geeks.

However, there are so many designs, that you can get lost in the jungle of options.

Therefore, I have created this post to highlight the ones that I find to be particularly interesting and/or amusing. I hope you like them!

The fun start here

By the way, I’m showing mostly t-shirts here but please bear in mind that these designs are available on a wide range of items. Simply click on the one(s) you like and you can see what products and colours are available for that design. Enjoy!

Do you ever get confused between there, their and they’re? Then this is for you!

print on demand their there they're

Remember that old “i before e except after c” rule? What do you think about it now?

print on demand i before e

I really like this next one – it shows how illogical the English language can be.

print on demand - hyphenated

Speaking of irony, how do you like this definition?

print on demand - irony

A few cool designs that point out how important punctuation is …

print on demand - commas

These next ones might be fun to wear on a date.

print on demand - grammar

These last few appeal due to their fun aspect. They’re not particularly deep but they make me laugh anyway.

print on demand - homonym

print on demand synonym

Let’s not forget the teachers as well

You can wear or take any of these in the classroom and impress your students!

Finally, how many teachers would love to be able to say this?

print on demand retired teacher

Print on Demand – Summary

Phew – you made it to the end – well done.

I really think that print on demand is a great option, for both designers and customers alike. What do you think?

This was just a small selection of the many options and designs that are on the RedBubble platform.

I searched out my favourite language-related items but there are so many more topics for you to explore. Why not check it out.

Which design did you like the best? Or did you find one that you feel should have been mentioned? Please use the comments area below to tell us about it.

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